
  • Sleeping in the Woods

    After Christmas this year I had come to realize that both my husband and I really liked our room at Christmas time which set me to pondering. I d...
  • Why Am I Doing This?

    Start with your why... "they"say you must know what your "why" is in order to persevere. So with "Coffee Can Creations" what is my why? Why start this channel, page, blog, etc. Well, I would say there are a lot of why's but I could probably sum it up into one thing... my heart. I want to use the gifts God has given me and operate on a day to day basis in that space all the while connecting with and helping others.

  • Got it from my Grandma and my Mama!

    "Thinking about what I wanted for my business and Youtube channel was connecting with this idea of all the crafting that had been passed onto me. "